Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform



          NOT A POEM

It is more than a battle 
More devastating than any war
Ever fought in the history of mankind 
Something you have not encountered as yet 
However cruel and powerful may be the enemy
Whatever may be the situation 
You may not have the weapon to 
Face it in an open combat 
But you can always go back and stay inside 
Take your own time 
To ensure the victory of mankind
You have to win not only for yourself 
But for all of us, the humanity as a whole 
I am afraid 
You don't have the second option
The option of losing 
You can't be the cause of defeat
Of the whole mankind.
We can't go back to the days 
From where we have started
When our ancestors were roaming in the forests 
Here and there  protecting their lives
And searching for bare necessities 
It was their ceaseless quest for a better life
And identity for which we are where we are
At the zenith of glory 

Spirit is at the lowest ebb
The economy is in very bad shape
The battle is long and tedious
Most of us confined to home
Commodities essential are hard to come 
But we should not forget those
Far away from their near and dear
At the forefront risking their lives
Fighting against the virus 
Some are away from home
Circumstances forced them to be on the streets 
Walking hundreds of kilometres to reach home
Some are not that fortunate 
Staying in asylums fighting against all odds 
Life is difficult 
But not as difficult as you think it to be
We do not know
How our tomorrow will be
But we have to gather strength to fight
A long battle is ahead of us
Life is a struggle for existence 
And the show will go on
Irrespective of the scenario 
Heart, mind and reason to work in tandem
To come out of the situation 
To ensure the survival of mankind.
When existence in jeopardy 
We should be prepared for the supreme sacrifice

What is most unfortunate is
We are feeding the enemy in us 
Helping its mission
By carrying it from one place to the other 
Our body is its safe haven
Jumping from one to the other
Extending its sway all over
Is its passion unlimited 
Our body is its fortress
To kill it we can not kill ourselves
But we can halt its rampage
By protecting ourselves 
And checking its further spread 
By not allowing our body to be its prey 
By breaking the chain 
Giving any milage to it is suicidal 
Non-operation is the only way 
Left to us to ensure our survival

While enjoying all the amenities 
Look at you neighbour 
See how he is
While enjoying a sumptuous meal 
See how many of your lane are
Struggling to make their both ends meet.
Forget not
You are a human being 
Love, affection and fellow-feeling 
Are flowing in your vein and artery 
Never hate someone suffering from the virus
Tomorrow it can be you, he and me 
Love the victim with all your heart
But remain away from the enemy
Silently looking at you with a disdainful smile.
You are for yourself, not for others
You are for yourself, so for others
The moment you realise this
Corona will silently wither 
You take care of yourself 
We are taking care of ourselves 
The system, doctors and body immunity 
will take care of the rest
Fighting against the virus

Smruti Ranjan Mohan

©Smruti Ranjan mohanty #LostInSky A LOOK AT LIFE-103

          NOT A POEM

It is more than a battle 
More devastating than any war
Ever fought in the history of mankind

          NOT A POEM

It is more than a battle 
More devastating than any war
Ever fought in the history of mankind 
Something you have not encountered as yet 
However cruel and powerful may be the enemy
Whatever may be the situation 
You may not have the weapon to 
Face it in an open combat 
But you can always go back and stay inside 
Take your own time 
To ensure the victory of mankind
You have to win not only for yourself 
But for all of us, the humanity as a whole 
I am afraid 
You don't have the second option
The option of losing 
You can't be the cause of defeat
Of the whole mankind.
We can't go back to the days 
From where we have started
When our ancestors were roaming in the forests 
Here and there  protecting their lives
And searching for bare necessities 
It was their ceaseless quest for a better life
And identity for which we are where we are
At the zenith of glory 

Spirit is at the lowest ebb
The economy is in very bad shape
The battle is long and tedious
Most of us confined to home
Commodities essential are hard to come 
But we should not forget those
Far away from their near and dear
At the forefront risking their lives
Fighting against the virus 
Some are away from home
Circumstances forced them to be on the streets 
Walking hundreds of kilometres to reach home
Some are not that fortunate 
Staying in asylums fighting against all odds 
Life is difficult 
But not as difficult as you think it to be
We do not know
How our tomorrow will be
But we have to gather strength to fight
A long battle is ahead of us
Life is a struggle for existence 
And the show will go on
Irrespective of the scenario 
Heart, mind and reason to work in tandem
To come out of the situation 
To ensure the survival of mankind.
When existence in jeopardy 
We should be prepared for the supreme sacrifice

What is most unfortunate is
We are feeding the enemy in us 
Helping its mission
By carrying it from one place to the other 
Our body is its safe haven
Jumping from one to the other
Extending its sway all over
Is its passion unlimited 
Our body is its fortress
To kill it we can not kill ourselves
But we can halt its rampage
By protecting ourselves 
And checking its further spread 
By not allowing our body to be its prey 
By breaking the chain 
Giving any milage to it is suicidal 
Non-operation is the only way 
Left to us to ensure our survival

While enjoying all the amenities 
Look at you neighbour 
See how he is
While enjoying a sumptuous meal 
See how many of your lane are
Struggling to make their both ends meet.
Forget not
You are a human being 
Love, affection and fellow-feeling 
Are flowing in your vein and artery 
Never hate someone suffering from the virus
Tomorrow it can be you, he and me 
Love the victim with all your heart
But remain away from the enemy
Silently looking at you with a disdainful smile.
You are for yourself, not for others
You are for yourself, so for others
The moment you realise this
Corona will silently wither 
You take care of yourself 
We are taking care of ourselves 
The system, doctors and body immunity 
will take care of the rest
Fighting against the virus

Smruti Ranjan Mohan

©Smruti Ranjan mohanty #LostInSky A LOOK AT LIFE-103

          NOT A POEM

It is more than a battle 
More devastating than any war
Ever fought in the history of mankind