Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

🐸A FROG🐸 Once there was a frog who tried to

   🐸A FROG🐸

Once there was a frog who tried to 
go to the top of the mountain 

one frog - i want go to the top of mountain 

 Other frogs - It's impossible ur small
 It's difficult 
U can't Do it 
u will die before reach half of mountain. 

But.. the frog start climbing and reach the top of mountain
 All the frogs are shocked after seeing him ..

Yes  the frog is deaf and thus he reached his goal 🐸🐸

Don't  listen to Negative Thoughts and start moving forward 


©Ruchi Rathore
  #IFPwriting #IFP #writing #story #motivate