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Foods that can be made within 15 minutes : Micr

 Foods that can be made within 15 minutes :

Microwaved egg - Its yum and superquick. Just break an egg in a cup or small bowl, blend it or not. Sprinkle salt/condiments. Put in microwave for 30–45 seconds. Tadaaaa! Have it with Brown bread grilled without oil/butter.

 Foods that can be made within 15 minutes :

Microwaved egg - Its yum and superquick. Just break an egg in a cup or small bowl, blend it or not. Sprinkle salt/condiments. Put in microwave for 30–45 seconds. Tadaaaa! Have it with Brown bread grilled without oil/butter.



New Creator

Foods that can be made within 15 minutes : Microwaved egg - Its yum and superquick. Just break an egg in a cup or small bowl, blend it or not. Sprinkle salt/condiments. Put in microwave for 30–45 seconds. Tadaaaa! Have it with Brown bread grilled without oil/butter.