Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Location & Geographical Area of My District (SARAN

Location & Geographical Area of My District (SARAN).
Saran district is located on global map between 25°36' and 26°13' North latitude and 84°24' and 
85°15' East longitude. The district occupies an area of 2,641 square kilometers. The rank of the 
district in comparison to other districts of Bihar in terms of area is 16th. The district is shaped like 
a triangle with its apex at the confluence of the boundary of Gopalganj district and the Gandak 
river. The Gandak river along with Muzaffarpur and Vaishali districts forms the eastern side, the 
Ganges and the Ghaghra along with Bhojpur and Patna districts forms the southern side, whereas 
the boundaries of Balia district of U.P. and Siwan and Gopalganj districts of Bihar and North 
Western form the western side of the triangular Saran district. The land slopes towards the south 
east which is also the direction followed by the rivers. Saran contains three Sub Divisions viz., 
Chapra Sadar, Marhoura and Sonepur with headquarters at Chapra. Chapra happens to be the 
principal town of the district. There 20 Community Development Blocks. MY District Location (SARAN) ❤
#chai #my #District #Location
Location & Geographical Area of My District (SARAN).
Saran district is located on global map between 25°36' and 26°13' North latitude and 84°24' and 
85°15' East longitude. The district occupies an area of 2,641 square kilometers. The rank of the 
district in comparison to other districts of Bihar in terms of area is 16th. The district is shaped like 
a triangle with its apex at the confluence of the boundary of Gopalganj district and the Gandak 
river. The Gandak river along with Muzaffarpur and Vaishali districts forms the eastern side, the 
Ganges and the Ghaghra along with Bhojpur and Patna districts forms the southern side, whereas 
the boundaries of Balia district of U.P. and Siwan and Gopalganj districts of Bihar and North 
Western form the western side of the triangular Saran district. The land slopes towards the south 
east which is also the direction followed by the rivers. Saran contains three Sub Divisions viz., 
Chapra Sadar, Marhoura and Sonepur with headquarters at Chapra. Chapra happens to be the 
principal town of the district. There 20 Community Development Blocks. MY District Location (SARAN) ❤
#chai #my #District #Location

Swag Samrat

New Creator

MY District Location (SARAN) ❤ #chai #my #District #Location #Talk