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deepanshi rastogi

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deepanshi rastogi

In the midst of all the chaos that we went through there comes a moment 
When you just take aback that what is going on??? a big realization hits you hard when you go back to the past and start picking up pieces of it like a broken mirror that gives you pain but you have to clear that... How those moments changed eventually... How your friends eventually changed??? How your dreams changed??? How the definition of pain changed??? How you yourself changed??? How you don't expect good??? How you stop trusting??? How a girl who was the most innocent is changed into an image of a bitch??? How you started creating a shield of arrogance to protect yourself??? and Each question gives a pang in your heart ??? You start feeling Why me ??? BUT in all this self-realization u start joining the collected pieces of your heart to shape into a different way... You start understanding... What if no more moments but you have experience...
you understand people who left are for better.. what if it was for a better of both... You understand its okay if my dreams changed but my aim and the cause of dreams never changed but they are just in better shape...
you realize its okay to never be optimistic always it makes you do much better... It's okay if they don't find you innocent coz they now know you are a warrior who never wants to let herself down...It's okay to be arrogant than breaking yourself again and again...It's OKAY if you changed ... It's okay if they broke you into pieces... a broken can turn into a masterpiece that never anyone imagined... BUT START MAKING PEACE WITH YOUR BROKEN PIECES... A hug to all the masterpieces....

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