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vivek d Bhardwaj

an amateur bard

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vivek d Bhardwaj

Today you are up,
Help someone, who is down

Today you are laughing, 
Help someone, who is crying

Today you are healed,
Help someone, who is wounded

Today you are rich,
Help someone, who is poor

Today you are successful,
Help someone, who has failed

Today you are running,
Help someone, who is crawling

Today you are in light,
Help someone, who is in darkness

Today you are optimist,
Help someone, who is pessimist

Today you are strong,
Help someone, who is weak

Today you are living,
Help someone, who wants to die

3 Love


vivek d Bhardwaj


Lots of hardships and menace,
really they're incarnation of tolerance
they stop all the setbacks,
which may give us ache

they are shunned from their families,
to obey their duties

they have passion and fervour,
to serve the country better

whether the lives are at stake,
it doesn't make them fake

their courage is indomitable,
the spirit is invincible
long live martyrs,
I remember you in my prayers!

1 Love


vivek d Bhardwaj

Title : "If You"

If you laugh when they cry
If you are happy in their pain
If you are delighted to see them in hard times
If you feel relax after seeing their agony
If you mock their disability
If you treat them by the colour of the skin
If you try to dupe your own family
If you are worried about your sorrows only
If you blame them for your own faults
If you flatter the strong and maltreat the weak
If you exploit the downtrodden section
If you usurp something immorally
If you kill a female fetus in the womb
If you leave a new born baby in bushes
If you discriminate between boy and girl
If you accuse a woman for thy misfortune
If you misbehave the fair sex always
If you respect them by their assets
If you intentionally impede their journey
If you are jealous of their success
If you are unhappy by their happiness
If you force your children to pursue your dreams
If you feel your old parents are burden now
Then,  you are a human
Yes you are, but without humanity

1 Love


vivek d Bhardwaj

Not forever does the bulbul sing
In balmy shades of bowers,
Not forever lasts the spring
Nor ever blossom flowers,
Nor forever reigneth joy,
Sets the sun on days of bliss,
Frienship not forever last,
They know not life, who know not this

Excerpts from 'Train To Pakistan'

0 Love


vivek d Bhardwaj

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.

Stephen Hawking

2 Love


vivek d Bhardwaj

Mistakes are part of life
This thing is very rife
After a mistake don't regret
"To err is human" is wide spread
But one who doesn't learn
Loses in life instead of earn
A mistake teaches a lesson
If you learn, it boosts thy passion
A plan was badly devastated
Cos, a mistake was repeated
To not revise a mistake is wise
Learn from it and rise
It shows you the right direction
And surely helpful in a inspection
Learning from a mistake is worthy
And repeating it, thwarts the journey
Thus it can make or mar a dream
It can make you happy or scream #mistakes #life

vivek d Bhardwaj

कोहनी पर टिके हुए लोग,
टुकड़ो पर बिके हुए लोग।
करते हैं बरगद की बातें;
ये गमले में उगे हुए लोग।।


2 Love


vivek d Bhardwaj

And miles to go before I sleep...

3 Love


vivek d Bhardwaj

woman thy name is not frailty
show the world your capability

let thy ideas flow out of the veil
to send the misogynist to hell

raise your voice,break the silence
make headway and prove thy presence

cross the archaic custom's threshold
break this cruel society's stranglehold

Why don't you believe in your calibre
When You have much more to deliver

You are the omnipotent creature on earth
Don't belittle your indomitable worth

Without you the society is crippling
Only you can make a tree from a sapling

Be strong and stop being so vulnerable
Your contribution in society is remarkable

3 Love


vivek d Bhardwaj

एक बच्चे का हाथ पकड़े,और एक नन्हा गोद में लिए

वो अबला खड़ी रही

वो "मर्द" था सीट पर बैठा रहा।।


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