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Karan Budhiraja

A person on a journey to find light in a world full of darkness

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Karan Budhiraja

 Silence has its own unique language ❤ #quotes #stories #silence #peace #love #life #unique #music #write

Silence has its own unique language ❤ #Quotes #Stories #Silence #peace #Love #Life #UNIQUE #Music #write #nojotophoto

3 Love


Karan Budhiraja

कौन है यह खूबसूरती?
कहाँ मिलती है यह?
अब यह मत कहना कि जाओ चले जाओ उस चहरों के बाज़ार में,
जहाँ मैं जानता हूँ कि रद्दी के भाव मे बिकती है शकले हर रोज़, 
खूबसूरती का एक झूठा लेबल लगा कर,

मैं उस दिखावे की तस्वीर की तलाश में नहीं हूँ,
मैं तो उस अनंत, निस्वार्थ, पवित्र और अवगत शक्ति की तलाश में हूँ,
जो काल-अंतराल के आयाम से भी परे हैं। क्या किसी ने देखी है ऐसी खूबसूरती?
#diary #love #life #stars #infinite #beauty

क्या किसी ने देखी है ऐसी खूबसूरती? #diary #Love #Life #Stars #infinite #Beauty #विचार

4 Love


Karan Budhiraja

#diary										10pm

A dream has collapsed,

Dissipating its energy into this massive universe,

Its taking the form of stardust now.

Once its ready to be reborn again with a new purpose and an all new vision

It will be all set to takeover the game of reality. A dream has collapsed ❤ #dream #reality #illusion #love #life #nights

6 Love


Karan Budhiraja

#diary                                                 11am

मत चली आया कर सज धज कर मेरे दरवाज़े पर हर रोज़ ऐ जिदंगी,

क्योंकि मैं जानता हूँ कि उस निखरती चमकती मुसकान के पीछे ना जाने तुने कितनी दुविधाएं छिपाई है। Show me your real face my life #love #life #diary #happiness

Show me your real face my life #Love #Life #diary #Happiness #विचार

4 Love


Karan Budhiraja

Kya mujhe hak hai? #right #love #pain #life #heart #deepthoughts #world #art #writing

Karan Budhiraja

ना जाने रुकते क्यों नहीं यह हाथ अब,

बस दिन रात कागज़ पर तुम्हारी खूबसूरती के लफ्ज़ो की बरसात करना जानते है,

शायद यह मेरे दिल से ज्यादा चाहते है तुम्हें। #love #life #world #thought #heart

Karan Budhiraja

I saw my dreams shattering in front of my eyes

Like a glass shatters into pieces

I said to myself, "I guess thats the end of everything"

But a magical voice whispered into my ears

"No my child thats just the mere beginning" Never disregard the voice of your soul #love #life #dreams #soul #beginning

Never disregard the voice of your soul #Love #Life #Dreams #Soul #beginning

5 Love


Karan Budhiraja

For all those days
I spent in that pitch black phase

For all those nights
I spent searching for lights

For all those years 
I spent in tears

Made me realize that pain always comes in disguise of the most beautiful lessons of life.

So, always Embrace it. #lifelessons

Karan Budhiraja

What is at the end of the world I wonder,

What is this life all about I wonder,

Why we are so greedy for money? I wonder,

Why why we step back from helping others? I wonder,

We take everything for granted and move on to complete our selfish motives

Why i am asking why we don't thanks the lord for providing us with every thing 

And protecting us from every deadly thunder
I wonder,

1 Love


Karan Budhiraja

 #love #heart #nojoto #heartbroken #tears #sad #poet #poetry #writers #poem #shairy #life