My first crush gifted me a whole bunch of contents to write on and I'm still unraveling her gifts for the past ten years. The journey of making an ordinary soul special took me to her. My first crush. We became friends when I didn't realize that flowers symbolize love and without realizing I offered her one. Over time we crossed paths together, but we both were not ready to believe that we were more than just friends and when we realized the truth we could not confess. Although she became my friend long ago, It still took time to send her friend requests in FB and text her on WhatsApp. I always did hide diaries, which my dad used to borrow from his office, but it was of no use until I solved the puzzle of love. Yes the diary started getting filled and my heart started getting loosen it's emotions. My first crush, without gifting me anything, gifted me everything. #MeMoWriMo #myfirstcrush #remembertowrite