वैराज्ञात्प्रकृतिलयः संसारो भवति राजसाद्रागात् । ऐश्वर्यादविघातो विपर्ययात्तद्विपर्यासः ।। 45 ।। It directly means : From dispassion results absorption into Prakriti; from the passion of Rajas results transmigration; from power results unimpediment and from the reverse results the contrary. 【◆●SEE CAPTION●◆】 Those who are free from but are ignorant of the true nature of Purusha(पुरुष), become absorbed in prakriti(प्रकृति). Here Prakriti includes the whole set of evolvent-evolutes such as Prakriti(प्रकृति), Mahat(महत्), the I―Principle(अहम् भाव), the elements(पंचमहाभूत गुण, रस, गंध... इत्यादि) and the sense organs(नाक, कान, मुँह इत्यादि). Those who contemplate on them considering them as the Atman(आत्मा), merge into them. They are born again in course of time. {From the passion of rajas attribute results transmigration*. (* line explanation which taken from the directly meaning of the above stated verse)} Here, the term Rajas{which is defined as the balanced trait of the mind/thought process }*(* त्रिगुणात्मकीय प्रमुख गुणों में एक गुण जोकि हैं ― सत्वगुण, रजोगुण और तमोगुण) implies the painful character of transmigration because rajas is the source of pain. From Power{stagnant strenght of the mind) (शक्ति(मन की)) results in unimpediment of desires. A man og power does whatever he likes. From the reverse, ie from the absence of power, there occurs obstructions everywhere in fulfilling one's desires. Now, in order to describe collectively as also severally, the eight folds of disposition of Budhhi*(* बुद्धि) in order to highlight those that are to be adopted and those that are to be relinquished by those desiring emancipation, i am firstly describing the dispositions collectively in next verse which will be posted later on. Till then it is as it is. #sanskritquotes #philosophy #gyaan #sanskrit #yourquotebaba #yourquotedidi.