First collect the ingredients, patience, self love, letting go, forgiveness, acceptance, humane love. Cook up fresh daily, it adds to health. Serve it with compassion. Lastly take comments +ves or -ves with same spirit. Although the recipe is tried and tested, time and again happiness has to be cooked with care, it is a continuous pursuit and sometimes you might fall short of quantity, sometimes quality might not be as before, still you cooked and you have a recipe. That's the greatest treasure. Imagine happiness as a new recipe and you don't have any user manual or YouTube videos to cook/bake it. You are free to choose the ingredients of your choice. Bake it, cook it, fry it. Meanwhile, sauté it thoroughly. Because we don't want to smell the burn. ;) I shall read all posts done before 9.30 pm IST tonight and give you feedback over next 3 days. I'm soup'er excited to read your new recipe(s). Let's get started! :) #getfeedback #happinessrecipe #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Baba