A lonesome heart cajoles itself to arise-- Sequestered amidst the four corners, on its own. A keening cry, sent out to friends and contacts; Yet, receives zilch from the outside realm of clowns. Chastened and still alone, he gives up and snivels; But, a tender hand suddenly reaches out-- "Can I help?" it inquires. The disgraced heart yells, "No!" And the hand silently nods-- Not wanting to aggravate the slight. Though afore it slinks away, It leaves a cup of coffee and some toast on the side; Then, without expecting acknowledgement, It fades back into its prosaic obscurity. Daily, it visits the weeping heart And bestows the same benevolence-- Even when the heart rudely dismisses its attempts. One day. Two days. A week. A month. Until, the heart begins noticing the devotion; He starts accepting the tiny gifts of kindness And steadily improves. All, due to the stalwart efforts of the hand That he previously pilloried and spurned. Aye, diminutive acts of steadfast affection Create effective, enduring wellness In the ones we sincerely love. "Attempt" Topic: Tiny acts of kindness Challenger: Kumarpal Sorry, got delayed, bhai. Just got back online. I hope you like this rendition. Thanks for the prompt!