Dr. Sharma the leading surgeon of the city, knew the disastrous effects of smoking, and had been telling about it to his patients. It was a hard journey that he covered in becoming a surgeon. Tomes of books had he devoured to assimilate all the nitty-gritties of the trade, hours of practice on cadavers and discussions galore with peers. He was drawn to smoking as a stress reliever and was now hooked to it. No amount of strictures from friends and family had worked on him and today his lungs had given way. His last paper was on the effects of tobacco when you don't listen to your conscience, friends, family and self. Dr. Sharma the leading surgeon of the city, knew the disastrous effects of smoking, and had been telling about it to his patients. It was a hard journey that he covered in becoming a surgeon. Tomes of books had he devoured to assimilate all the nitty-gritties of the trade, hours of practice on cadavers and discussions galore with peers. He was drawn to smoking as a stress reliever and was now hooked to it. No amount of strictures from friends and family had worked on him and today his lungs had given way. His last paper was on the effects of tobacco when you don't listen to your conscience, friends, family and self.