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Now, the subtle body is being classified as : पू

Now, the subtle body is being classified as : 

पूर्वोत्पन्नमसक्तं नियतं महदादि सूक्ष्मपर्यन्तम् ।
संसरति निरूपभोगं भावैरधिवासितं लिङ्गम् ।। 40 ।।

Word Meaning : 

Lingam, The mergent (subtle) body; purvotpannam, is produced at the begining of the creation; asaktam, unconfined; niyatam, constant; mahat-adi-sukshma paryantam, is composed of tatvas, beginning with the Mahat and ending with the subtle Tanmatras; sansarati, migrates; nirupbhogam, devoid of experience; bhavaih adhivasitam, tinged with dispositions.

It collaboratively means: 

The mergent subtle body, produced primordially, unconfined, constant, composed of Tattvas, beginning with Mahat and ending with Tanmatras, transmigrates, free from experience and tinged with dispositions.


 Produced primordially means that at the beginning of creation of the Pradhana (प्रधान), the subtle body was evolved one for each Purusha (पुरुष). Not confined because it is unobstructed; as such, it can pas through even a mountain. Constant because it continues to exist from the first evolution to the time of final dissolution. The Subtle body is composed of the Mahat down to subtle Tanmatras, that is to say, the subtle body is an aggregate of Mahat (Will), I―Principle, the eleven sense organs and the five Primary elements. It is specific because it is endowed with the sense organs which are calm, turbulent and delusive.
Let the subtle body itself be field of experience for the Spirit; where then is the need for a perceptible physical body comprised of the six sheaths (as mentioned above)?
it migrates ― i.e. the subtle body transmigrates from body to body, i.e. it gives up and again occupies the six-sheathed physical body one after the other. Why so? Because it is devoid of experience. The subtle body is incapable of having any experience without a physical body of six sheaths; that is why it migrates.
Transmigration is caused by Virtue and Vice and the sublte body has no connection with them. Then, how does the subtle body migrate?
Now, the subtle body is being classified as : 

पूर्वोत्पन्नमसक्तं नियतं महदादि सूक्ष्मपर्यन्तम् ।
संसरति निरूपभोगं भावैरधिवासितं लिङ्गम् ।। 40 ।।

Word Meaning : 

Lingam, The mergent (subtle) body; purvotpannam, is produced at the begining of the creation; asaktam, unconfined; niyatam, constant; mahat-adi-sukshma paryantam, is composed of tatvas, beginning with the Mahat and ending with the subtle Tanmatras; sansarati, migrates; nirupbhogam, devoid of experience; bhavaih adhivasitam, tinged with dispositions.

It collaboratively means: 

The mergent subtle body, produced primordially, unconfined, constant, composed of Tattvas, beginning with Mahat and ending with Tanmatras, transmigrates, free from experience and tinged with dispositions.


 Produced primordially means that at the beginning of creation of the Pradhana (प्रधान), the subtle body was evolved one for each Purusha (पुरुष). Not confined because it is unobstructed; as such, it can pas through even a mountain. Constant because it continues to exist from the first evolution to the time of final dissolution. The Subtle body is composed of the Mahat down to subtle Tanmatras, that is to say, the subtle body is an aggregate of Mahat (Will), I―Principle, the eleven sense organs and the five Primary elements. It is specific because it is endowed with the sense organs which are calm, turbulent and delusive.
Let the subtle body itself be field of experience for the Spirit; where then is the need for a perceptible physical body comprised of the six sheaths (as mentioned above)?
it migrates ― i.e. the subtle body transmigrates from body to body, i.e. it gives up and again occupies the six-sheathed physical body one after the other. Why so? Because it is devoid of experience. The subtle body is incapable of having any experience without a physical body of six sheaths; that is why it migrates.
Transmigration is caused by Virtue and Vice and the sublte body has no connection with them. Then, how does the subtle body migrate?

Madhav Jha

New Creator