No one perceives your pain, In the same, exacting way That only you can undertake; So, why do you permit others To impose upon you Specific panaceas, Based on their own exploits? You see, experiences May be similar, to an extent; Yet, even identical twins Own divergent fingerprints-- A testament to the fact That no one should ever Attempt to dictate How you must heal yourself. You know, feelings are feelings And thoughts are thoughts; How they recreate themselves, Isn't necessarily the right process For you to blindly follow. "Following Own Truth" I really despise being told what to feel, think, and do. You see, we have our own lives. We have our own experiences and backgrounds. The point is, to follow your own path--irrespective of what anyone else believes. Each one must be given that leeway to be himself, without society's irking propensity to assume, judge, advise, and control. Not everyone has the same way of even thinking, feeling, or doing. A bit of common sense and minding-your-own-business kind of attitude might be the most-awaited panacea for most of the depression in this world. #FollowingOwnTruth #diwa #yqbaba