Fetid, repugnant scars And bleeding, profound wounds-- Both enshrouded In filets and sparkles, galore; Enervated by the dancing lights And the snivelling shadows, alike, I rush through the phases And crazes of this trundling race-- Merely to realize That I've been carelessly speeding Through vacuous circles, all this time; Inveigling to find the ultimate panacea That's been so fleetingly duplicitous; For, my heart beats, thud-thud-thud; My soul screams for a bit of rest; The pervasive silence Abruptly speaks in tongues; I'm on that precarious precipice That signifies either-or; Although, I still prefer The pleasantly safe neither-nor-- Unless, you bestow a valid basis For why I should simply let go And do my bestest to soar. "Soar" #Soar #diwa #yqbaba