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#NaPoWriMo The horizon is indeed a lie, a beautif


The horizon is indeed a lie,
a beautiful one at it, though.
When the sky bows down
to meet the sea, his beau,
a noble act of love, innit?

Unlike the urban skyline
where buildings soar
in vain to reach the sky.
A falsehood taken seriously.

Yes, nature lied to us
about the distant horizon.
So we build a towering lie?

The horizon has set me
on voyages to the beyond.
The skyline has merely
dwarfed me to a blatant lie.
 Skyline. But horizon's a curve.

#skyline #horizon

The horizon is indeed a lie,
a beautiful one at it, though.
When the sky bows down
to meet the sea, his beau,
a noble act of love, innit?

Unlike the urban skyline
where buildings soar
in vain to reach the sky.
A falsehood taken seriously.

Yes, nature lied to us
about the distant horizon.
So we build a towering lie?

The horizon has set me
on voyages to the beyond.
The skyline has merely
dwarfed me to a blatant lie.
 Skyline. But horizon's a curve.

#skyline #horizon