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36/40 [hell yeah mosquitoes; hell yeah mates!] Ev


[hell yeah mosquitoes; hell yeah mates!] Even before I started the #40daysofhope I was obsessed with the idea of waking up at 3:30 in the morning. There are multiple reasons for why I find this time the best in the day. Number one, when I was at the most determined phase of my life I was up at 3 meditating in the morning. Number two has something to do with the meditation itself. I have meditated at different times of the day like 3 am, 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, 7 am, 10 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm and even 10 pm but meditating at 3 in the morning has always felt different. I have been up there on the terrace and meditated under the morning stars and you won't believe how amazing the sky looks. Around 3 or even 4 in the morning the stars seem to twinkle just a bit more beautifully, the moon shines a bit more glorious and most importantly those random thoughts just don't happen while meditating during this particular time. Number three, this time is said to be the time of the gods or the Brahma Muhurtha. It is said that meditations in Brahma Muhurtha give optimum results to the meditators, especially the spiritual seekers. Well I'm more of an athlete but you can trust me when I say my meditations at 3 and 4 in the mornings have been by far the most amazing meditations of my life. Number four, rising up early boosts health and brings a sense of control to life. So yes, I find the early mornings very appealing but I haven't been able to wake up at this awesome time for months, thanks to my multiple injuries.

As I already told you I pulled my back muscle last year and it took me 5 months to heal just a little better before another injury caused ruckus in my life and because of this my eating and sleeping habits got messed up because I couldn't exercise! So my idea of waking up early had become just an idea throughout the year of 2021 but both my injuries seemed to be healing as the months of June and July approached so I always believed my good old early morning routine was just around the corner. I really did.

Now what was happening on previous few nights was I was killing those alarms of 3:30 am simply because my body clock wouldn't approve of the sudden change in waking time but tonight something crazy happened. I put my phone down somewhere around 10:40 to sleep but I was up at 1:30 because of these annoying mosquitoes. You won't believe this stupid mortein we have in our room. It is lit up on the wall just near me and its liquid is still considerably full but the mosquitoes were still having a feast on me! If I was not sleeping within these four walls these mosquitoes could have easily lifted me and placed me under a tree or something. 

As I turned and twisted on the bed I felt my throat getting dry so I woke up kind of pissed off because I don't even wake up at midnight for anything, let alone drinking water. Now what I found was my sister on the other room had locked the door from the other side and I couldn't even knock the door because my brother is a very light sleeper and he would be pissed if I ended up waking him up. So I came back to the bed disturbed.

[hell yeah mosquitoes; hell yeah mates!] Even before I started the #40daysofhope I was obsessed with the idea of waking up at 3:30 in the morning. There are multiple reasons for why I find this time the best in the day. Number one, when I was at the most determined phase of my life I was up at 3 meditating in the morning. Number two has something to do with the meditation itself. I have meditated at different times of the day like 3 am, 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, 7 am, 10 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm and even 10 pm but meditating at 3 in the morning has always felt different. I have been up there on the terrace and meditated under the morning stars and you won't believe how amazing the sky looks. Around 3 or even 4 in the morning the stars seem to twinkle just a bit more beautifully, the moon shines a bit more glorious and most importantly those random thoughts just don't happen while meditating during this particular time. Number three, this time is said to be the time of the gods or the Brahma Muhurtha. It is said that meditations in Brahma Muhurtha give optimum results to the meditators, especially the spiritual seekers. Well I'm more of an athlete but you can trust me when I say my meditations at 3 and 4 in the mornings have been by far the most amazing meditations of my life. Number four, rising up early boosts health and brings a sense of control to life. So yes, I find the early mornings very appealing but I haven't been able to wake up at this awesome time for months, thanks to my multiple injuries.

As I already told you I pulled my back muscle last year and it took me 5 months to heal just a little better before another injury caused ruckus in my life and because of this my eating and sleeping habits got messed up because I couldn't exercise! So my idea of waking up early had become just an idea throughout the year of 2021 but both my injuries seemed to be healing as the months of June and July approached so I always believed my good old early morning routine was just around the corner. I really did.

Now what was happening on previous few nights was I was killing those alarms of 3:30 am simply because my body clock wouldn't approve of the sudden change in waking time but tonight something crazy happened. I put my phone down somewhere around 10:40 to sleep but I was up at 1:30 because of these annoying mosquitoes. You won't believe this stupid mortein we have in our room. It is lit up on the wall just near me and its liquid is still considerably full but the mosquitoes were still having a feast on me! If I was not sleeping within these four walls these mosquitoes could have easily lifted me and placed me under a tree or something. 

As I turned and twisted on the bed I felt my throat getting dry so I woke up kind of pissed off because I don't even wake up at midnight for anything, let alone drinking water. Now what I found was my sister on the other room had locked the door from the other side and I couldn't even knock the door because my brother is a very light sleeper and he would be pissed if I ended up waking him up. So I came back to the bed disturbed.

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