PROMPTS 1. Needless a piece of page, come back to me. 2. Every single time I let myself down 3. But this summer, it is a season, altogether different. 4. How about pineapple flavour? No. Caramel? 5. Complacency 6. Afternoon naps are way relieving 7. You don't love somebody hiding that you don't love them 8. I sat on a swing called Earth 9. Glossy 10. Stone, paper, scissor 11. But obvio(us) 12. what is in my book? 13. Peculiarly lone 14. Of never complaining Only the substance. You may use any of it. Anywhere. Any sort. Also a provision for person-specific prompts. Not a hard and fast rule. If only you like it. Anyone? #Okaeprompt #prompts #prompts