Elements Who have the guts to stop me I'm the gust of "Wind" I will come when and wherever I want. I'm the "River" I never change, I make my own Paths. When and where I turn. Life have to follow me. I'm blaxe of "Fire" I myself burn & heat-up others too Then I glow like a Star .... I have to endure the "Earth" that I am... But Why only me, this question flashes on & off, again & again. Non-non-lover ones Cheat me again & again. If it is said to be earth then... Make me something else..... Do not give me the moon & stars But do give expansion's If the heart is tiny, no humanity is left. My heart is just make the sky the same...... ©ekrajhu कुछ अंग्रेजी हो जाए 😜😜😁 #English #poetry #एलिमेंट #life #sharadpurnima sunayana jasmine