The optimistic rays of dawn,

The optimistic rays of dawn,                              found her with the hint of a smile;                    among still glowing embers,                             of a celebratory bonfire,                                       unburnt edges of past letters peeping;            symbolic final rites of a relationship,              which had lost its will to burn. 
 #FinalRites #dawn #glowingembers #relationship #will #burn #YoPoWriMo #yqbaba
The optimistic rays of dawn,                              found her with the hint of a smile;                    among still glowing embers,                             of a celebratory bonfire,                                       unburnt edges of past letters peeping;            symbolic final rites of a relationship,              which had lost its will to burn. 
 #FinalRites #dawn #glowingembers #relationship #will #burn #YoPoWriMo #yqbaba

Amit Jotwani

New Creator