the serenity imprinted on the tiny Maya, as it perches on the bamboo fence, near the Acacia tree; as if, it doesn't have any worry--not even a drop of doubt--about where to get its next gobble of food. its wings, relaxed, resplendent in its open stance; the little bird, awaiting the time, when it needs to fly off to some other landing; just loving its own life, trusting the Almighty, knowing His love. the way it moves, in accordance to His Will; never doubting the Power that guides his small, vulnerable feet; it continues to look at the world, for all to see; as if, just thanking its Creator, for its life. i wish that i could be like him--just being itself; believing that God, with His all-knowing glance, would know what happens to me, as i partake of this minute respite; fully convinced that I shall be fine, because He loves me. 🔘the Maya, in the Philippines, is a tiny bird, as in the background pic, that is also known as a house bird, all around the world. #Maya #Philippines #God #trust #yqbaba