Is anything around me real ? Do anything exist ? What if I reject all existence? The question comes "who is rejecting ?" My thoughts are rejecting. And "Who is thinking ?" Its me. So if I think, I am, I exit. (*Rene descartes*) I exist atleast as a thinking being. So my existence is certain. And existence of anything other then me, This sun, the moon, the earth, seasons, day & night, rivers and mountains, their existence is still questionable. But for me they exist. Because I can experience them. So if for me, my experience is the basis of existence of this universe. Then anything I say About this universe, Should be an absolute subjective truth. And all my thoughts, Should me my truth. Supported by the existence of this universe, Truth without exaggeration. So I am saying this, For you My friend, My love letter ,My sunflower. You exist for me And your existence Make the spring dance The rain sing The evening red And the nights dark The stars twinkle The moon smile You do this Just by existing. Just the fact that you exist makes this world a better place You make me a better human. Your existence inspires me to become better To become selfless To become loving And for this I will always love you I will always love us I love you ©Manaswin Manu #Manaswin_Manu #Her