Dearest sister Priyanka, I am in deep anguish and terribly ashamed that a few men (who resembled us humans) raped you under the pretext of repairing your broken scooter and after fulfilling their satanic desires, strangulated you with your own dupatta.. They were under the influence of alcohol and had pre planned this heinous act. I still can't come to terms of how brutal they were in muffling your shrieks and cries.. You must have given them money and your ornaments in return for your safety but they wanted sex and blood. After that they wrapped you in sheets, poured kerosene and burnt your already scarred body.. Even the devil must have felt ashamed after witnessing this horrifying act. Was it your fault that you ventured out alone? Why didn't you leave the scooter there and took a cab straight home..? What made you trust strangers at night who were drunk and strangely friendly..? Why didn't you ask help from the toll center or any other official over there? There are many ifs and buts and whys and hows to this incident.. I feel ashamed of being a part of this society who ignores habitual trouble makers and those people who are a threat to the society. I can't seem to get over this incident so decided to pour out my feelings while writing this.. I am deeply terrified inspite of being a Man because such terrorisers Roam freely and inflict pain on souls and bodies through their vile and demonic actions.. You might not be able to get justice in this world Priyanka but trust me when the Supreme lord holds court on the day of judgment, believe me sister, that day you would definitely get justice.. InshaAllah.. #yqbaba #yqdidi #yqsayyed #priyankareddy