A high degree of education is useless if you don'

A high degree of education is useless if you don't know how to treat marginalized members 
of society with respect.

©Baishali Mandal
  Education without empathy is hollow. A high degree of education is useless if you don't know how to treat marginalized members of society with respect.

#baishaliwrites #EducationWithEmpathy #RespectForAll #MarginalizedMatters #CompassionInAction #EmpathyIsKey
#SocialImpact #KnowledgeWithHeart #LearnToRespect #EmpowerThroughEducation

Education without empathy is hollow. A high degree of education is useless if you don't know how to treat marginalized members of society with respect. #baishaliwrites #EducationWithEmpathy #respectforall #MarginalizedMatters #CompassionInAction #EmpathyIsKey #SocialImpact #KnowledgeWithHeart #learntorespect #EmpowerThroughEducation