Puritan's of Sex: Dated way back in the history of China and America where the government had infiltrated into the bedrooms of its people, sex lost its profound meaning. Regulators of sex, imposing laws on human bodies started a war with civilization. Narcissistic revolution of women was the sole target because men had no control of their penis and lust. The dominance over a female's body resulted in prostitution which no government acknowledged. Abortion is a choice and not a crime. Contraceptives were for women first and men could still flaunt manliness. A desire to sleep or a passion driven by love, a body is not a slave of constitutional vandalism. The pseudo superior men trying to hegemonize women through various atrocities as they derelish their failure in satisfying a women's desire. Legalizing prostitution would shame the men who hide their faces behind the closed doors. A women has her right to be satisfied on the bed and my inability to do so is not her fault. Rise today, and speak! Let's empower and fulfil our desire on bed. Take control and unfold. Dedicated to all the women who understands and desires sex. #YQBaba #200thqoute #Sex #Women #Society Let not the society decide the desire of sex and dominate a women's body. I write this for all those women who believe they deserve more and needs to be respected.