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What if I were Bill Gates? [Read caption] Q.1) I

What if I were 
Bill Gates? 
[Read caption] Q.1) If I were Bill Gates,  what would I do with all my wealth? 

Ans) Umm...  First of all. I would have been confused for having such a handsome amount but I would have use it wisely. Like, I can make use of it in this pandemic. As many countries are falling short of ventilators and testing kits I would have make use of those money to provide them the necessities. Secondly, I would help the poor. Here, help means I just wanna encourage them to start  to earn for their livelihood and would provide them the basic necessities from my wealth but would never let them to depend on me. And I'll help the needy. Third, I would donate my wealth to orphanage and old age home because for me handling such residentials are very difficult. There, you don't have to work for only yourself, you have to work for all those people who have taken shelter in your residence. I always appreciate their work... The left over amount I would use it for myself (like traveling, enjoying etc.). 

Q.2) If I had to use my wealth to improve any of these problems, what it could be? And why? 

Ans) It would be ofcourse education system. Because I think education is the base of everything. Once you are properly educated, you can manage any sector. If maximum people are going to get proper education then they can find out some solutions for poverty, unemployment and health care system will automatically grow. And no doubt women's safety will also be enhanced. So, I would use my wealth to improve education system.
What if I were 
Bill Gates? 
[Read caption] Q.1) If I were Bill Gates,  what would I do with all my wealth? 

Ans) Umm...  First of all. I would have been confused for having such a handsome amount but I would have use it wisely. Like, I can make use of it in this pandemic. As many countries are falling short of ventilators and testing kits I would have make use of those money to provide them the necessities. Secondly, I would help the poor. Here, help means I just wanna encourage them to start  to earn for their livelihood and would provide them the basic necessities from my wealth but would never let them to depend on me. And I'll help the needy. Third, I would donate my wealth to orphanage and old age home because for me handling such residentials are very difficult. There, you don't have to work for only yourself, you have to work for all those people who have taken shelter in your residence. I always appreciate their work... The left over amount I would use it for myself (like traveling, enjoying etc.). 

Q.2) If I had to use my wealth to improve any of these problems, what it could be? And why? 

Ans) It would be ofcourse education system. Because I think education is the base of everything. Once you are properly educated, you can manage any sector. If maximum people are going to get proper education then they can find out some solutions for poverty, unemployment and health care system will automatically grow. And no doubt women's safety will also be enhanced. So, I would use my wealth to improve education system.

Miss xyz

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