Mental health, a topic often ignored, But it's something we should all explore. It's not just about being happy or sad, It's about feeling balanced and not going mad. The mind is a complex and fragile thing, And sometimes it can feel like a heavy weight to bring. Anxiety, depression, and stress, Are all things that can cause distress. But there's no shame in seeking help, It's important to take care of oneself. Talking to someone can make a difference, And help you find your own resilience. Mental health is not a weakness, It's a strength to seek out wellness. It's okay to not be okay, And to take things day by day. Self-care is not selfish, It's necessary to be healthy and flourish. Taking time for yourself is not a crime, It's essential to keep your mind in prime. Mental health affects us all, And it's important to answer the call, To break the stigma and start the conversation, And work towards a better mental health nation. It's not just about the individual, But also about the community and the social. We need to support each other, And be there for one another. Mental health is not a choice, It's a part of our human voice. We need to listen and understand, And lend a helping hand. It's not just about medication, But also about communication. Talking about our feelings and thoughts, Can help us heal and connect the dots. Mental health is not a destination, But a journey of self-realization. It's about finding balance and peace, And learning to let go of the negative grease. We need to prioritize our mental health, And not just focus on our material wealth. It's about finding joy and meaning, And living a life that's worth living. So let's take care of our minds, And leave the negative thoughts behind. Let's prioritize our mental health, And live our lives with joy and wealth ©KhaultiSyahi #BeOriginal #mentalHealth #sick people here don't accept it ! #copyrightreserved #khaultisyahi #mypoems #mypoems #Poetry #poem #Poet