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I know geometry never interested you much, Chico.

I know geometry never interested you much, Chico. Or most of Mathematics, for that matter. But I do wish to talk to you about congruence and similarity tonight.

(Full Letter in Caption...)

 I know geometry never interested you much, Chico. Or most of Mathematics, for that matter. But I do wish to talk to you about congruence and similarity tonight. Before that, I want you to know, every adult you see out there is a result of years of conditioning. Decades, rather. But we live in an era where one can't blame conditioning for their wrongs. As you grow up, you grow through. And there'll be a day when you'll realise life is mostly about unlearning than learning. Conditioned when you're unaware of what's going on, and un-conditioning when self-aware. 
With all that said, Chico, I'm sure there are seeds (weeds, rather) of patriarchy still lurking inside each of us and by transference, in you too. And I'm sorry for that. But you need to kill your weeds, Chico. Life is more of a garden where you need to know what to water and what to not. 

Chico, the fight against casual sexism is about equality. Not similarity. When you see a male chauvinist tell you, "If the fight is indeed about equality, then why can't a woman try everything that a man does? Maybe then, we can talk about equality!"
Chico,  it's unfair to expect a woman to do everything a man does and vice-versa. The fight was never about that. It was about endowing everyone with the privilege to do what they do best, irrespective of gender. You are not the genitalia you are born with. Nor do a pair of testicles or breasts determine your choices in life. Patriarchy, Chico, has been so deep-rooted, and from there, a false sense of masculinity. Men and Women are sexes. Masculinity and Femininity are genders. And every sex is both the genders in a blender. The society shall not dictate what you identify with, nor what your privileges are. You do. 
If it is really about sexism, then why call it feminism, you ask? Because of the history. Years of oppression over everything feminine. Genders are qualities, Chico. Not walls or balls or boobs. A penis doesn't give one a reason to be a dick to those who don't. 

The fight is for congruence of the sexes, Chico. Not similarity. Shouldn't take a man to be a woman. Or a woman to be a man. It should take both to be a human. Raise your kids to be humans, not men or women.
I know geometry never interested you much, Chico. Or most of Mathematics, for that matter. But I do wish to talk to you about congruence and similarity tonight.

(Full Letter in Caption...)

 I know geometry never interested you much, Chico. Or most of Mathematics, for that matter. But I do wish to talk to you about congruence and similarity tonight. Before that, I want you to know, every adult you see out there is a result of years of conditioning. Decades, rather. But we live in an era where one can't blame conditioning for their wrongs. As you grow up, you grow through. And there'll be a day when you'll realise life is mostly about unlearning than learning. Conditioned when you're unaware of what's going on, and un-conditioning when self-aware. 
With all that said, Chico, I'm sure there are seeds (weeds, rather) of patriarchy still lurking inside each of us and by transference, in you too. And I'm sorry for that. But you need to kill your weeds, Chico. Life is more of a garden where you need to know what to water and what to not. 

Chico, the fight against casual sexism is about equality. Not similarity. When you see a male chauvinist tell you, "If the fight is indeed about equality, then why can't a woman try everything that a man does? Maybe then, we can talk about equality!"
Chico,  it's unfair to expect a woman to do everything a man does and vice-versa. The fight was never about that. It was about endowing everyone with the privilege to do what they do best, irrespective of gender. You are not the genitalia you are born with. Nor do a pair of testicles or breasts determine your choices in life. Patriarchy, Chico, has been so deep-rooted, and from there, a false sense of masculinity. Men and Women are sexes. Masculinity and Femininity are genders. And every sex is both the genders in a blender. The society shall not dictate what you identify with, nor what your privileges are. You do. 
If it is really about sexism, then why call it feminism, you ask? Because of the history. Years of oppression over everything feminine. Genders are qualities, Chico. Not walls or balls or boobs. A penis doesn't give one a reason to be a dick to those who don't. 

The fight is for congruence of the sexes, Chico. Not similarity. Shouldn't take a man to be a woman. Or a woman to be a man. It should take both to be a human. Raise your kids to be humans, not men or women.