A promised alliance crumbles In the midst of chaotic respite; A blazing tryst is forged Between a pair of sworn enemies; And the wounding shards Of pulverized glass lay scattered All around this vacuous sanctuary. I look at your empty sockets And utter a silent curse; For, when shall you acknowledge The screaming malevolence Of this ill-formed consortium That you so defend and desire? The ferocious hurricane causes The insistent banging of doors, Merely held in place By several feeble strings Of abject selfishness pretending To be lurid love. Your beloved offsprings Turn against you and each other; Yet, you persistently pretend otherwise. Can't you smell the smoke That's caused by the burning rubble Beneath our scalded feet? "Saving The Condemned" A promised alliance crumbles In the midst of chaotic respite; A blazing tryst is forged Between a pair of sworn enemies; And the wounding shards Of pulverized glass lay scattered