ये खुशी, ये दर्द, ये जज्बात़, ये स्याह़ रंज-ओ-गम़, ये भूख, ये प्यास, ये खुशी, ये डर निरर्थक हर दम। है क्या, कभी सोच के देखो, बस, दिमाग़ की एक छोटी सी 'नस़' का ही तो खेल है सारा।। The Sensory Nerves of the Human Brain plays a Very Important Role... You just can't imagine anything.. No feelings, No taste, No longing, No hunger... Dedicated to the Most Important Nerve of the Human Body, without which none of us could have become what we till now... With, Proud of My Sensory Nerves, Yours, Anjaan 'Ikraash'.. #SensoryNerves #YqBaba #YqDidi #Tpmd