The Awwww (ing ) A serious synergy. — % & #cinemagraph //I found this in my draft, i am not recalling as to why i wrote this// I guess I was funnier a year ago, much more than now. Masha Allah 😂. I was never used to such kind of gesture. I am an archetype of lonesome guy who at times was thought to be a boy from Mars. I really feared if any "snake" among my comrades call upon NASA's alien doctors and label me as some alien intruder for their exobiology operations and experimentation. They might due to my Innocence and out of the world behavior hand me to the Illuminati thinking me as Jesus Christ (Nauzobillah ). *some New world order shit here, beware of the Anti Christ *. Nonetheless, yeah! I was unaware of the fact that "normal" people used that word for real. I reminisce the back to back spell hurled at me, i felt numbed and i felt as though my lips were being sealed, (Gosh! I am short of word to explain how the feeling this "awww" spell elicit).