Thanku for being, my best friend my secret locker, my well wisher, my pain deepens, for being my photo maker. & listening my hijoick talks, & handling my pathetic chats. & help my study work, connecting family and friends. adding some perks in my life. Dear Phone, I'm so dependent on you. When you broke, I had to talk the neighbour, go out of the house to find a repair shop and socialize with the shopkeepers. I didn't have you to give me directions, I didn't have you to order food. I was so alone without my friends checking up on me. I realised how different life was when I was 13 and how different it is now, I need you for everything. I need to learn to be without you again. #letters #dearphone #postman #postmandiaries #YourQuoteAndMine Collaborating with YourQuote Postman Collaborating with YourQuote Baba