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The Biggest Reason Is Some Grown Up Men Are Still

The Biggest Reason Is
Some Grown Up Men
Are Still Growing Up To 
Take Instructions And Learning
From A Lady BOSS
We Still Call This An
EQUAL Opportunity Society

For participants of One World, One Voice :

This is the Third prompt of Day 1. ☺

The fact that gender discrimination is alive and well it should not be surprising, especially given the attention that the MeToo and TimesUp movements have given to sexual harassment in the last year. However, in both practice and research, nothing has moved past awareness of the issue, to bring about any tangible recommendations on how to tackle it. It remains an unsolved issue at every length and breadth of the society. Whether its work space or home, the discrimination is so deeply rooted, that it occurs even when someone does not intentionally want to do it.
The Biggest Reason Is
Some Grown Up Men
Are Still Growing Up To 
Take Instructions And Learning
From A Lady BOSS
We Still Call This An
EQUAL Opportunity Society

For participants of One World, One Voice :

This is the Third prompt of Day 1. ☺

The fact that gender discrimination is alive and well it should not be surprising, especially given the attention that the MeToo and TimesUp movements have given to sexual harassment in the last year. However, in both practice and research, nothing has moved past awareness of the issue, to bring about any tangible recommendations on how to tackle it. It remains an unsolved issue at every length and breadth of the society. Whether its work space or home, the discrimination is so deeply rooted, that it occurs even when someone does not intentionally want to do it.