//Fluttering Love: The Ballet of Butterflies// Amidst the flowers fragrant bloom, Fluttering wings of butterflies zoom, Their graceful dance, a sight to behold, A tale of love, that they unfold. With hues of orange, yellow, and blue, Their wings, a rainbow of hue, Their twirls, a mesmerizing sight, A dance of love, in perfect flight. Intricate patterns they weave, A rhythm, their hearts make heave, A symphony of love, they create, A dance, that none can imitate. Amidst the meadow's tranquil breeze, They twirl and glide with such ease, A ballet of love, they perform, A sight that can never be outworn. Their dance, a celebration of life, Of love, of joy, of peace, without strife, The butterflies, a symbol of grace, In their dance of love, leave no trace. ©Psypi-π #HEARTPRINT #love #musingtime #life #poetry #yqbaba #yourquote poetry on love poetry quotes