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If you want to change the world, make your bed fir

If you want to change the world, make your bed first!

When you make your bed in the morning, you complete your first task of the day.

You'll be a little more proud of yourself. This will inspire you to complete the second task, and the third, and the fourth...

As a result of completing one task, it will entail the completion of all the others.

Making your bed reinforces the fact that small things matter.

If you can't do a small thing, you won't be able to do a big one.

And if your day is not going well, you will come to a house where your bed is made.



©Zara Sogra
  #romanticstory If you want to change the world, make your bed first!

When you make your bed in the morning, you complete your first task of the day.

You'll be a little more proud of yourself. This will inspire you to complete the second task, and the third, and the fourth...

As a result of completing one task, it will entail the completion of all the others.

Zara Sogra

Silver Star
New Creator
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#romanticstory If you want to change the world, make your bed first! When you make your bed in the morning, you complete your first task of the day. You'll be a little more proud of yourself. This will inspire you to complete the second task, and the third, and the fourth... As a result of completing one task, it will entail the completion of all the others. #Thoughts