Finally she gave her first cry That brought a tear of happiness in her mommy's eye Her angel face was full of charm When she cuddled in her mommy's arms Becoming her mother's only best friend Seemed this bond of theirs was never going to end Then,on that day there arrived a beast And on his arrival their happiness got ceased With his every touch,the child's soul got raped After this crime,the beast easily escaped Experiencing this horror the girl closed her eyes forever Before she was placed in the lap of her mother Seeing her body the mother went insane What her child faced was totally inhumane The torn body of her daughter made her cry Which made the soul of her daughter reply You are the reason for my every single breathe But you are also responsible for my painful death You knew everything about this wicked world's reality And you still brought me to experience it's barbarity Momma! If you would have let me die in your womb At least your daughter would not have faced the torture before entering the tomb #justiceforzainab#yqbaba#napowrimo#hummalik#yopowrimo#yqtales#yqdiary#yqpowrimo Part 2 of my poem "Female ABORTICIDE"๐ This qoute of mine is dedicated to all the zainabs present in this world..๐zainab baby Allah will punish your killers not only here but also sha Allah .love you baby..RIP๐ข๐ข๐ญ๐ญ