I WANT TO BE THAT MAN I've always had dreams ; dreams too many, Some huge as mountain, some small like a penny. I've always wondered what I want to be When I grow up, A Model, Teacher or Maybe a Nanny. Now I know what is my goal, Its not very fancy,nor it is but small. I want to be that man, Who wears a white Apron. Saving as many lives as he could, As if he's the God's only good son. Thst man , who even in the time of Pandemic, Did not forget his work ethic. Who is always as busy as a bee , Not daring to be careless,no matter wherever is he. I want to be that man , Who is not a model , but a role model. He ,who decided to be ruthless, So as to cut a gentleman's leg with a blade and a knife, But that is not to get him in a mess, But to save his life. I want to be that man, Who,even if is not a teacher,does teach us many lessons . He ,who cares about others first, And then about himself. Who ,even after doing miracles, Gives the credit to others and keeps the responsibility to himself. I want to be that man, Who is not a nanny,but more caring than one. He ,who cares about himself, So that he can take care of others. He ,who can be stubborn like a child, When it comes to curing a disease. And when it comes to treating a patient, Can be as gentle as a Mother. ©The Poetic Megha I Want To Be That Man #Englishpoetry #COVIDー19Warriors #doctorshonoured #ThePoeticMegha