Learn French With Me_ [ Counting 0-10 with Pronunciation ] 0 - zéro (zeh-ro) 1 - un (unh) 2 - deux (duh) 3 - trois (twah) 4 - Quatre (kat-ruh) 5 - cinq (sank) 6 - six (sees) 7 - sept (seh) 8 - huit (weet) 9 - neuf (nurf) 10 - dix (dees) ©Siya Singh French counting 0-10 with pronunciation. #Education #Language #French #Learn #Learning #LearnIndia #DecemberCreator #Teacher #Nojoto #Knowledge vks Siyag Vikas Sanju Singh siya pandey Hiyan Kiran Chopda Anshu writer Sudha Tripathi Sakshi Dhingra