"Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" Are the opening verse of The Holy Quaran, "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful" it means, 786 the total value of it comes, Under the Arabic system of numerology, Amitabh wore a badge inscribed with 786 number in film Coolie, Was saved by this badge with magical numbers therein. I love this number not because of this, This was only an interesting titbit. But 786 remain a number interesting. Hello Resties! ❤ Today's topic ~ "Number / अंक " -Write a quote on any of your preferred/favorite number and explain why do you like it. - अपने पसंदीदा अंक पर एक कोट लिखें जिसमे उस अंक के लिए अपनी भावना या उस अंक से जुड़ी भावना व्यक्त करें | -Do not extend in caption.