Believing in online friendships is too hard but yo

Believing in online friendships is too hard
but you turned out totally opposite to it

The chain of our relation is so strange that
we turned from strangers to brother and sister

From sharing similarities in life to sharing our problems,
you became that medicine to my life that
healed all my sadness by our silly chats 

For every tear I dropped 
I would find your hands stretched out,
To soothe my aching soul

If someone is en route to hurt me,
Then you would be there to shield me

You were always the one 
looking out for me to make sure 
the path I traveled on was smooth.

You are the brightest star in my world
You are not just my brother,
But my world of happiness...

©Priya S My Anna ❤ 
 Brother from another mother

Believing in online friendships is too hard
but you turned out totally opposite to it

The chain of our relation is so strange that
we turned from strangers to brother and sister

From sharing similarities in life to sharing our problems,
you became that medicine to my life that
healed all my sadness by our silly chats 

For every tear I dropped 
I would find your hands stretched out,
To soothe my aching soul

If someone is en route to hurt me,
Then you would be there to shield me

You were always the one 
looking out for me to make sure 
the path I traveled on was smooth.

You are the brightest star in my world
You are not just my brother,
But my world of happiness...

©Priya S My Anna ❤ 
 Brother from another mother


Priya S

New Creator