*A husband can bathe the dead body of his wife and vice versa. Ayesha (R.A) reports,"The Messenger of Allah returned from Al Baqee and looked for me.At that time I had severe headache and I was crying,"Oh My head is going to burst."The Messenger of Allah said,"Nay, rather my head o Ayesha !If you die before me,I shall perform all the things for you myself.I will bathe you,I will clothe you the shroud,I will offer your funeral prayer,and I will put you in the grave myself.(Ahmad and Ibn e Majah) Abdullah Bin Abu Bakr(R.A) reports,that the wife of Abu Bakr,Asma bint Umais(R.A) bathed Abu Bakr(R.A) after his death and asked the emigrants present there,"It is intense cold today.Is it obligatory on me to take bath?"The people said,"No it's not obligatory."(Malik Fi l muatta). #Funeral bath