I withstood all the Backstabbing and Mockery Alone with grace My sweet smile Wouldn't let you through trace Still with an innocent soul I sail through life I am easy going Definitely not naive Brick by Brick I built me back Nothing absolutely Nothing Could keep me off the track I've scars, I've gone through lessons This is life beyond perfection I fix myself, I'm out alive Still my innocence,Thrive I am a silly one, I don't play up Painting gray my burning scars and bruises I don't complain,just level up I am perhaps a little toxic I am far beyond being plastic I am afraid out to be loud There's no shelter just soulless crowd I've outgrown all the misery Memories are the real treasury That's how stupid fellow I've been No more urge to be felt to be seen Leave me, I am an age old puzzle I keep my pieces,let them juggle Don't come along, Don't sustain Free to sail,One can't refrain Moving forward with my myth Only peace I wish to be with That's how superstious,I am at times Memories hit me like windchymes I agree I am dumbest of them all Let me vanish, Let it all fall... ©ashita pandey बेबाक़ #love_shayari खतरनाक लव स्टोरी शायरी लव स्टेटस लव शायरियां