Pain to turn on the Spiritual Engine, Love to be a metaphysical supplement, Peace to be a reaction, if not so much of an action, The Storms in my head none of ya business, Nothing you don't deserve you get like a bonus, My heads got a tendency to become a donut, In times of emotional crisis, Am on a Alexander's hunt sorta Porus, I don't lose my Focus, I understand ya pain more than you can ever, Gain a higher perspective why am I so insane, Still a middle Finger to everyone who ever said, I'll never make it, oh that group even placed bets, Fuck You If You Could Never Think, THAT I'LL EVER MAKE A COMEBACK LIKE THIS, I'LL BE THE LIGHTNING, THAT'LL HIT YA SOULS WITH MERE INK, THE IDEA WAS JUST TO GET PSYCHEDELIC, IN MY RHYMES, THUNDERING, WHERE EVER THE FUCK I CAN SWEEP IN, Kill #Fear through #Chaos #riseofphoenix #reinvent #stormofphoenix #freestylerap #rapper #unstoppable #NojotoApp #NojotoEnglish #NojotoStory #storytelling #Poetry #nojotoevery #nojotoEnglish #Anger #Monster #beastmode #artist #Mad #OutOfControl