Did you know : #परमात्मा_कहाँ_रहता_है ? Satlok is

 Did you know : #परमात्मा_कहाँ_रहता_है ?
Satlok is such an immortal world where the sharpness of the body of a swan soul is like 16 suns but there is no heat in it.
MORE Details must watch sadhana TV at 7:30pm ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
@SaintRampalJiM https://t.co/xUZXHQ56Xv
 Did you know : #परमात्मा_कहाँ_रहता_है ?
Satlok is such an immortal world where the sharpness of the body of a swan soul is like 16 suns but there is no heat in it.
MORE Details must watch sadhana TV at 7:30pm ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
@SaintRampalJiM https://t.co/xUZXHQ56Xv