Love will smell like soft lavender, Hate will sme

Love will smell like soft lavender, 
Hate will smell like rotten cucumber, 

Work will smell like the wet mud, 
Rest will smell like the rose bud, 

Life will smell like the showery rain, 
Death will smell like the sewage drain.  If words had fragrance, tomorrow would smell like fresh oranges and the past would smell like refrigerated potato curry. #ifwordshadfragrance #personify #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba #smithasunkara
Love will smell like soft lavender, 
Hate will smell like rotten cucumber, 

Work will smell like the wet mud, 
Rest will smell like the rose bud, 

Life will smell like the showery rain, 
Death will smell like the sewage drain.  If words had fragrance, tomorrow would smell like fresh oranges and the past would smell like refrigerated potato curry. #ifwordshadfragrance #personify #YourQuoteAndMine
Collaborating with YourQuote Baba #smithasunkara

Ar. Smitha

New Creator