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White Seven Dangers to Human Virtue - 1. Wealth wi

White Seven Dangers
to Human Virtue -
1. Wealth without work
2. Pleasure without conscience
3. Knowledge without character
4. Business without ethics
6. Sclence without humanity
6. Religion without sacrifice
7. Politics without principles

©KhaultiSyahi #election2024 #Brahmamuhurat 4:40 AM #khaultisyahi #Life_experience #Life #Reality #realityoflife #think #dirtypolitics #PoliticsOfHate and politicians ဗီူဗီူ
White Seven Dangers
to Human Virtue -
1. Wealth without work
2. Pleasure without conscience
3. Knowledge without character
4. Business without ethics
6. Sclence without humanity
6. Religion without sacrifice
7. Politics without principles

©KhaultiSyahi #election2024 #Brahmamuhurat 4:40 AM #khaultisyahi #Life_experience #Life #Reality #realityoflife #think #dirtypolitics #PoliticsOfHate and politicians ဗီူဗီူ


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