Every group or tribe have their share of black she

Every group or tribe have their share of black sheeps.... And the people guilty of bursting crackers amidst sloganeering got high on emotions..
By the way it was fun watching them playing the fool.. 
I thoroughly enjoyed it in these sad and stressful days.. If not for these Covidiots, 
this brightful night 
would have been easily forgotten.  I think it wasn't necessary. People could have just switched off their lights and light a diya or a candle. 

Why burst crackers? For what? How the hell did people find crackers during a time where people are having a hard time finding food? Seriously, the PM said no gatherings. 

People actually gathered in my area and burst crackers. I live on the 4th floor and I could still hear them. 

People are dying, how is that celebration worthy with crackers? If people wanted to help, they should've donated that money for crackers to the government's fund or the nearest NGO. 
Every group or tribe have their share of black sheeps.... And the people guilty of bursting crackers amidst sloganeering got high on emotions..
By the way it was fun watching them playing the fool.. 
I thoroughly enjoyed it in these sad and stressful days.. If not for these Covidiots, 
this brightful night 
would have been easily forgotten.  I think it wasn't necessary. People could have just switched off their lights and light a diya or a candle. 

Why burst crackers? For what? How the hell did people find crackers during a time where people are having a hard time finding food? Seriously, the PM said no gatherings. 

People actually gathered in my area and burst crackers. I live on the 4th floor and I could still hear them. 

People are dying, how is that celebration worthy with crackers? If people wanted to help, they should've donated that money for crackers to the government's fund or the nearest NGO. 


New Creator