Gautam Adani family net worth falls 20% to around Rs 7.8 trillion At its peak, it was worth $136.3 bn at the end of July this year A selloff in Adani group stocks on Thursday has led to a sharp decline in the net worth of the Gautam Adani family. The Adani family net worth was down 20.1 per cent on Thursday to around Rs 7.8 trillion from Rs 9.8 trillion on Tuesday. In US dollar terms, the family net worth declined to $91.2 billion on Thursday from $115.5 billion on Tuesday. This has erased a large part of the gains in the family net worth during the rally in Adani stocks early this year. At its peak, the family was worth $136.3 billion at the end of July this year. ©SHIRSENDU KARMAKAR #Gautam_Adani