LAND ZONING EFFECT NEUTRALISATION ACT ( PROPOSED ). I hereby propose to all the State Governments as well as Central Government to immediately proceed for enactment of Land Zoning Effect Nuetralisation Act. The Constitution of India says EQUALITY to all. The Land rate varies on permissible use and people are made rich or poor, thereby percolating INEQUALITY amongst citizens. People's Land Rights are strengthened by Land Acquisition Act 2013, but the zoning effect is not taken care off. Normal Fsi for Yellow is more or less 100% in Maharashtra / India, and green zone fsi is only 4%. To neutralize if we declare fsi as 52% for all and give Tdr to Green Zone owners as per Land Acquisition Act 2013, we can Neutralise the effect. The person in yellow zone will buy that tdr as per market rate. This should be done immediately in the larger Public interest. ©Ashok Mangal #land #Zone #Zones #AaveshVaani #JanMannKiBaat