Nojoto: Largest Storytelling Platform

Dust of the daily grind,

Dust of the daily grind,                                               abrasive in character,                              seeped in the pores,                                       of my infiltrated existence;                            clogging all escape routes,                              elevating internal stress,                                   mirroring a domestic cooker,                             nervously whistling its inner lament,                                                                                    							pining for a safety valve release.                          #dust #grind #clogged #pores #stress #infiltrate #seep #cooker #release #safetyvalve #YoPoWriMo #yqbaba
Dust of the daily grind,                                               abrasive in character,                              seeped in the pores,                                       of my infiltrated existence;                            clogging all escape routes,                              elevating internal stress,                                   mirroring a domestic cooker,                             nervously whistling its inner lament,                                                                                    							pining for a safety valve release.                          #dust #grind #clogged #pores #stress #infiltrate #seep #cooker #release #safetyvalve #YoPoWriMo #yqbaba